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Rabu, 24 Januari 2018

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Romanian (obsolete spellings Rumanian, Roumanian; autonym: limba român? ['limba ro'm?n?] ( listen), "the Romanian language", or române?te, lit. "in Romanian") is a Romance language spoken by approximately 24-26 million people as a native language, primarily in Romania and Moldova, and by another 4 million people as a second language. It has official status in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. It is one of the official languages of the European Union.

Romanian is a part of the Balkan-Romance group that evolved from several dialects of Vulgar Latin separated from the Western Romance during the 5th-8th centuries. To distinguish it within that group in comparative linguistics it is called Daco-Romanian as opposed to its closest relatives, Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian.

During Soviet times--and to some extent even today--Romanian was called Moldovan in the Republic of Moldova, although the Constitutional Court ruled in 2013 that "the official language of the republic is Romanian".

Immigrant Romanian speakers are scattered across many other countries, notably Australia, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Bulgaria, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Israel, France and Germany.

Video Romanian language



Eastern Romance languages, like the other branches of Romance languages, descend from Vulgar Latin, adopted in Dacia by a process of Romanization during early centuries AD.

The influence of the military in Dacia is due to the distribution of the military units in this bridgehead of the Roman Empire's defense (two legiones, 12 alae, 41 cohortes and 13 numeri), contrary, e.g., to that of the Rhenish army, which was concentrated at the Germanic limes and so left little influence on the local spoken Gallo-Latin. The identification of numerous words of military (Dacian-)Roman usage - 52 semantic specific changes and inherited military Latin words with their classical meanings - is at the heart of the hypothesis that the Romanian language is the continuation of the military Latin spoken in the north-eastern frontier region of the Roman Empire. These vestiges of military usage are unique to Romanian in its language family.

Thus, Romanian is scientifically very interesting from a linguistic and historical viewpoint, since Romance languages did not prevail in the other frontier regions of the Roman Empire in Europe, Asia and Africa, although Africa's falling under Arab sway surely played a role in the ultimate demise of any Romance dialect. Also, the conservation in Romanian of these numerous vestiges of Latin military slang (sermo castrensis) - such as a (se)a?ine ("to waylay"), coif ("helmet"), împ?rat ("emperor"), a împresura ("to encircle with pressure"), a (se) (în)cumeta ("to venture"), a în?ina ("to make thin a tree for its collapse on the invaders"), a?inat ("made thin a tree"), mire "fiancé" (< Lat. miles "soldier", metonymy), a purcede ("to advance"), a r?pune ("to kill"), rost "sense" a.s.o. (< Lat. rostrum "beak at prow of Roman warship"), (f)sat "village" (< Lat. fossatum "trench for defence", metonymy), ?es "plain" (< Lat. sessus "plain place for camping", metonymy), a supune ("to subject"), tind? "veranda" (< Lat. tenda sub vallo "tent out of agglomerated fortress", metonymy), ?ar? "homeland" (< Lat. terra "earth" ? Arom. ?ar? "earth"), etc. and their absence in Aromanian (Balkan Romanian dialect spoken in peaceful area) - indicates the continuity of the Latinophones in the northern Danubian region, this despite dire and constant defensive wars with Germanic, "Turanian" (Turkic peoples and Magyars) and Slavic populations who entered and eventually settled there.

This linguistic evidence challenges the Roeslerian theory. The vestiges from latin military slang particularize the Romanian language in the neolatin area, together with its isolated history. According to Cristian Mihail, the Roslerian theory is annihilated because of the fact that the Romanian words in common with the Albanian words not preserve the sound ,,l" between vowels - in accordance, i.e. with Rom. "m?gur?" and Alb. "magulë" etc. - likewise with Romanian words from Latin linguistic stratum (Rom. "scara" < Lat. "scala" etc.) unlike the words from Slavic later stratum, which preserve the sound ,,l" intervowels (cf. Rom. "mila", no "*mira" < Sl. "mila") would prove that the Romanian words in common with the Albanian words proceed of a latter stratum in Balkan region, near the Albanians, as supporting also by linguistics the continuity of the Latinophons (Romanians) in the Nordic-Danubian region.

The Roman Empire withdrew from Dacia in 271-272 AD, leaving it to the Goths. The history of Eastern Romance between the 3rd century and the development of Proto-Romanian by the 10th century, when the area came under the influence of the Byzantine Empire, is unknown. It is a matter of debate whether Proto-Romanian developed among Romanized people who were left behind in Dacia by the Roman withdrawal or among Latin-speakers in the Balkans south of the Danube.

During the High and Late Middle Ages, Romanian became influenced by the Slavic languages and to some degree by Greek. Romanian remains unattested throughout the Middle Ages, and only enters the historical record in the early 16th century.

Early history

The use of the denomination Romanian (român?) for our beautiful language (limba noastr? cea frumoas?) and use of the demonym Romanians (Români) for speakers of this language predates the foundation of the modern Romanian state. Although the followers of the former Romanian voievodships used to designate themselves as "Ardeleni" (or "Ungureni"), "Moldoveni" or "Munteni", the name of "rumân?" or "rumâniasc?" for the Romanian language itself is attested earlier, during the 16th century, by various foreign travellers into the Carpathian Romance-speaking space, as well as in other historical documents written in Romanian at that time such as Cronicile ??rii Moldovei (The Chronicles of the land of Moldova) by Grigore Ureche.

In 1534, Tranquillo Andronico notes: "Valachi nunc se Romanos vocant" (The Wallachians are now calling themselves Romans). Francesco della Valle writes in 1532 that Romanians are calling themselves Romans in their own language, and he subsequently quotes the expression: "?tii Române?te?" (Do you know Romanian?).

After travelling through Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania Ferrante Capecci accounts in 1575 that the indigenous population of these regions call themselves "române?ti" ("romanesci").

Pierre Lescalopier writes in 1574 that those who live in Moldavia, Wallachia and the vast part of Transylvania, "se consider? adev?ra?i urma?i ai romanilor ?i-?i numesc limba "române?te", adic? romana" (they consider themselves as the descendants of the Romans and they name their language Romanian).

The Transylvanian Saxon Johann Lebel writes in 1542 that "Vlachi" se numeau între ei "Romuini" and the Polish chronicler Stanislaw Orzechowski (Orichovius) notes in 1554 that în limba lor "walachii" se numesc "romini" (In their language the Wallachians call themselves Romini).

The Croatian prelate and diplomat Antun Vran?i? recorded in 1570 that "Vlachs in Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia designate themselves as "Romans" and the Transylvanian Hungarian Martin Szentiványi in 1699 quotes the following: «Si noi sentem Rumeni» ("?i noi suntem români" - "We are Romans as well") and «Noi sentem di sange Rumena» ("Noi suntem de sânge român" - We are of Roman blood).

In Palia de la Or??tie (1582) stands written «.[...] c? v?zum cum toate limbile au ?i înfluresc întru cuvintele sl?vite a lui Dumnezeu numai noi românii pre limb? nu avem. Pentru aceia cu mare munc? scoasem de limba jidoveasc? si greceasc? si srâbeasc? pre limba româneasc? 5 c?r?i ale lui Moisi prorocul si patru c?r?i ?i le d?ruim voo fra?i rumâni ?i le-au scris în cheltuial? mult?... ?i le-au d?ruit voo fra?ilor români,... ?i le-au scris voo fra?ilor români" and in Letopise?ul ??rii Moldovei written by the Moldavian chronicler Grigore Ureche we can read: «În ?ara Ardialului nu l?cuiesc numai unguri, ce ?i sa?i peste seam? de mul?i ?i români peste tot locul...» ("In Transylvania there live not solely Hungarians or Saxons, but overwhelmingly many Romanians everywhere around.").

Nevertheless, the oldest extant document written in Romanian remains Neac?u's letter (1521) and was written using Cyrillic letters (which remained in use up until the late 19th century). There are no records of any other documents written in Romanian from before 1521.

Miron Costin, in his De neamul moldovenilor (1687), while noting that Moldavians, Wallachians, and the Romanians living in the Kingdom of Hungary have the same origin, says that although people of Moldavia call themselves Moldavians, they name their language Romanian (române?te) instead of Moldavian (moldovene?te).

Dimitrie Cantemir, in his Descriptio Moldaviae (Berlin, 1714), points out that the inhabitants of Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania spoke the same language. He notes, however, some differences in accent and vocabulary. Cantemir's work provides one of the earliest histories of the language, in which he notes, like Ureche before him, the evolution from Latin and notices the Greek and Polish borrowings. Additionally, he introduces the idea that some words must have had Dacian roots. Cantemir also notes that while the idea of a Latin origin of the language was prevalent in his time, other scholars considered it to have derived from Italian.

The slow process of Romanian establishing itself as an official language, used in the public sphere, in literature and ecclesiastically, began in the late 15th century and ended in the early decades of the 18th century, by which time Romanian had begun to be regularly used by the Church. The oldest Romanian texts of a literary nature are religious manuscripts (Codicele Vorone?ean, Psaltirea Scheian?), translations of essential Christian texts. These are considered either propagandistic results of confessional rivalries, for instance between Lutheranism and Calvinism, or as initiatives by Romanian monks stationed at Peri Monastery in Maramure? to distance themselves from the influence of the Mukacheve eparchy in Ukraine.

The language remains poorly attested during the Early Modern period.

Modern history

The first Romanian grammar was published in Vienna in 1780. Following the annexation of Bessarabia by Russia (after 1812), Moldavian was established as an official language in the governmental institutions of Bessarabia, used along with Russian, The publishing works established by Archbishop Gavril B?nulescu-Bodoni were able to produce books and liturgical works in Moldavian between 1815-1820.

The linguistic situation in Bessarabia from 1812 to 1918 was the gradual development of bilingualism. Russian continued to develop as the official language of privilege, whereas Romanian remained the principal vernacular.

The period from 1905 to 1917 was one of increasing linguistic conflict, with the re-awakening of Romanian national consciousness. In 1905 and 1906, the Bessarabian zemstva asked for the re-introduction of Romanian in schools as a "compulsory language", and the "liberty to teach in the mother language (Romanian language)". At the same time, Romanian-language newspapers and journals began to appear, such as Basarabia (1906), Via?a Basarabiei (1907), Moldovanul (1907), Lumin?torul (1908), Cuvînt moldovenesc (1913), Glasul Basarabiei (1913). From 1913, the synod permitted that "the churches in Bessarabia use the Romanian language". Romanian finally became the official language with the Constitution of 1923.

Historical grammar

Romanian has preserved a part of the Latin declension, but whereas Latin had six cases, from a morphological viewpoint, Romanian has only five: the nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, and marginally the vocative. Romanian nouns also preserve the neuter gender, although instead of functioning as a separate gender with its own forms in adjectives, the Romanian neuter became a mixture of masculine and feminine. The verb morphology of Romanian has shown the same move towards a compound perfect and future tense as the other Romance languages. Compared with the other Romance languages, during its evolution, Romanian simplified the original Latin tense system in extreme ways, in particular the absence of sequence of tenses.

Maps Romanian language

Geographic distribution

Romanian is spoken mostly in Central and the Balkan region of Southern Europe, although speakers of the language can be found all over the world, mostly due to emigration of Romanian nationals and the return of immigrants to Romania back to their original countries. Romanian speakers account for 0.5% of the world's population, and 4% of the Romance-speaking population of the world.

Romanian is the single official and national language in Romania and Moldova, although it shares the official status at regional level with other languages in the Moldovan autonomies of Gagauzia and Transnistria. Romanian is also an official language of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina in Serbia along with five other languages. Romanian minorities are encountered in Serbia (Timok Valley), Ukraine (Chernivtsi and Odessa oblasts), and Hungary (Gyula). Large immigrant communities are found in Italy, Spain, France, and Portugal.

In 1995, the largest Romanian-speaking community in the Middle East was found in Israel, where Romanian was spoken by 5% of the population. Romanian is also spoken as a second language by people from Arabic-speaking countries who have studied in Romania. It is estimated that almost half a million Middle Eastern Arabs studied in Romania during the 1980s. Small Romanian-speaking communities are to be found in Kazakhstan and Russia. Romanian is also spoken within communities of Romanian and Moldovan immigrants in the United States, Canada and Australia, although they do not make up a large homogeneous community statewide.

Legal status

In Romania

According to the Constitution of Romania of 1991, as revised in 2003, Romanian is the official language of the Republic.

Romania mandates the use of Romanian in official government publications, public education and legal contracts. Advertisements as well as other public messages must bear a translation of foreign words, while trade signs and logos shall be written predominantly in Romanian.

The Romanian Language Institute (Institutul Limbii Române), established by the Ministry of Education of Romania, promotes Romanian and supports people willing to study the language, working together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Department for Romanians Abroad.

In Moldova

Romanian is the official language of the Republic of Moldova. The 1991 Declaration of Independence names the official language Romanian. The Constitution of Moldova names the state language of the country Moldovan. In December 2013, a decision of the Constitutional Court of Moldova ruled that the Declaration of Independence takes precedence over the Constitution and the state language should be called Romanian.

Scholars agree that Moldovan and Romanian are the same language, with the glottonym "Moldovan" used in certain political contexts. It has been the sole official language since the adoption of the Law on State Language of the Moldavian SSR in 1989. This law mandates the use of Moldovan in all the political, economical, cultural and social spheres, as well as asserting the existence of a "linguistic Moldo-Romanian identity". It is also used in schools, mass media, education and in the colloquial speech and writing. Outside the political arena the language is most often called "Romanian". In the breakaway territory of Transnistria, it is co-official with Ukrainian and Russian.

In the 2014 census, out of the 2,804,801 people living in Moldova, 24% (652,394) stated Romanian as their most common language, whereas 56% stated Moldovan. While in the urban centers speakers are split evenly between the two names (with the capital Chi?in?u showing a strong preference for the name "Romanian", i.e. 3:2), in the countryside hardly a quarter of Romanian/Moldovan speakers indicated Romanian as their native language. It should be noted that unofficial results of this census first showed a stronger preference for the name Romanian, however the initial reports were later dismissed by the Institute for Statistics, which led to speculations in the media regarding the forgery of the census results.

In Vojvodina, Serbia

The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia determines that in the regions of the Republic of Serbia inhabited by national minorities, their own languages and scripts shall be officially used as well, in the manner established by law.

The Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina determines that, together with the Serbian language and the Cyrillic script, and the Latin script as stipulated by the law, the Croat, Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian and Rusyn languages and their scripts, as well as languages and scripts of other nationalities, shall simultaneously be officially used in the work of the bodies of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in the manner established by the law. The bodies of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina are: the Assembly, the Executive Council and the Provincial administrative bodies.

The Romanian language and script are officially used in eight municipalities: Alibunar, Biserica Alb? (Serbian: Bela Crkva), Ziti?te (?iti?te), Zrenianin (Zrenjanin), Kov?ci?a (Kova?ica), Cuvin (Kovin), Plandi?te (Plandi?te) and Se?anj. In the municipality of Vâr?e? (Vr?ac), Romanian is official only in the villages of Voivodin? (Vojvodinci), Marcov?? (Markovac), Straja (Stra?a), Jamu Mic (Mali ?am), Sredi?tea Mic? (Malo Sredi?te), Mesici (Mesi?), Jablanka, S?lci?a (Sal?ica), Râti?or (Riti?evo), Ore?a? (Ora?ac) and Co?tei (Ku?tilj).

In the 2002 Census, the last carried out in Serbia, 1.5% of Vojvodinians stated Romanian as their native language.

Regional language status in Ukraine

In parts of Ukraine where Romanians constitute a significant share of the local population (districts in Chernivtsi, Odessa and Zakarpattia oblasts) Romanian is taught in schools as a primary language and there are Romanian-language newspapers, TV, and radio broadcasting. The University of Chernivtsi in western Ukraine trains teachers for Romanian schools in the fields of Romanian philology, mathematics and physics.

In Hertsa Raion of Ukraine as well as in other villages of Chernivtsi Oblast and Zakarpattia Oblast, Romanian has been declared a "regional language" alongside Ukrainian as per the 2012 legislation on languages in Ukraine.

In other countries and organizations

Romanian is an official or administrative language in various communities and organisations, such as the Latin Union and the European Union. Romanian is also one of the five languages in which religious services are performed in the autonomous monastic state of Mount Athos, spoken in the monk communities of Prodromos and Lacu.

As a second and foreign language

Romanian is taught in some areas that have Romanian minority communities, such as Vojvodina in Serbia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Hungary. The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) has since 1992 organised summer courses in Romanian for language teachers. There are also non-Romanians who study Romanian as a foreign language, for example the Nicolae B?lcescu High-school in Gyula, Hungary.

Romanian is taught as a foreign language in tertiary institutions, mostly in European countries such as Germany, France and Italy, and the Netherlands, as well as in the United States. Overall, it is taught as a foreign language in 43 countries around the world.

Popular culture

Romanian has become popular in other countries through movies and songs performed in the Romanian language. Examples of Romanian acts that had a great success in non-Romanophone countries are the bands O-Zone (with their No. 1 single Dragostea Din Tei/Numa Numa across the world in 2003-2004), Akcent (popular in the Netherlands, Poland and other European countries), Activ (successful in some Eastern European countries), DJ Project (popular as clubbing music) SunStroke Project (known by viral video "Epic sax guy") and Alexandra Stan (worldwide no.1 hit with "Mr. Saxobeat)" and Inna as well as high-rated movies like 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, 12:08 East of Bucharest or California Dreamin' (all of them with awards at the Cannes Film Festival).

Also some artists wrote songs dedicated to the Romanian language. The multiplatinum pop trio O-Zone (originally from Moldova) released a song called "Nu m? las de limba noastr?" ("I won't forsake our language"). The final verse of this song, Eu nu m? las de limba noastr?, de limba noastr? cea român? is translated in English as "I won't forsake our language, our Romanian language". Also, the Moldovan musicians Doina and Ion Aldea Teodorovici performed a song called "The Romanian language".

Learn Romanian : Lesson 1 - Romanian Phrases for Beginners - YouTube
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The term "Romanian" is sometimes used also in a more general sense, encompassing four varieties: (Daco-)Romanian, Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, and Istro-Romanian. The four languages, whose mutual intelligibility is low, are the offspring of the Romance varieties spoken both to the north and to south of the Danube, before the settlement of the Slavonian tribes south of the river: Daco-Romanian in the north, Aromanian and Megleno-Romanian in the south, whereas Istro-Romanian is thought to be the offspring of an 11th-century migration from Romania. These four are also known as the Eastern Romance languages. When the term "Romanian" is used in this larger sense, the term "Daco-Romanian" is used for Romanian proper. The origin of the term "Daco-Romanian" can be traced back to the first printed book of Romanian grammar in 1780, by Samuil Micu and Gheorghe ?incai. There, the Romanian dialect spoken north of the Danube is called lingua Daco-Romana to emphasize its origin and its area of use, which includes the former Roman province of Dacia, although it is spoken also south of the Danube, in Dobrudja, Central Serbia and northern Bulgaria.

This article deals with the Romanian (i.e. Daco-Romanian) language, and thus only its dialectal variations are discussed here. The differences between the regional varieties are small, limited to regular phonetic changes, few grammar aspects, and lexical particularities. There is a single written standard (literary) Romanian language used by all speakers, regardless of region. Like most natural languages, Romanian dialects are part of a dialect continuum. The dialects of Romanian are also referred to as subdialects (see reasons for this terminology) and are distinguished primarily by phonetic differences. Romanians themselves speak of the differences as accents or speeches (in Romanian: accent or grai).

Depending on the criteria used for classifying these dialects, fewer or more are found, ranging from 2 to 20, although the most widespread approaches give a number of five dialects. These are grouped into two main types, southern and northern, further divided as follows:

  • The southern type has only one member:
    • the Wallachian dialect, spoken in the southern part of Romania, in the historical regions of Muntenia, Oltenia and the southern part of Northern Dobruja, but also extending in the southern parts of Transylvania.
  • The northern type consists of several dialects:
    • the Moldavian dialect, spoken in the historical region of Moldavia, now split among Romania, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine (Bukovina and Bessarabia), as well as northern part of Northern Dobruja;
    • the Banat dialect, spoken in the historical region of Banat, including parts of Serbia;
    • a group of finely divided and transition-like Transylvanian varieties, among which two are most often distinguished, those of Cri?ana and Maramure?.

Over the last century, however, regional accents have been weakened due to mass communication and greater mobility.

Calendarul 2017 August | Moldova, Romania, Italy | Romanian Calendar
src: www.imgpicz.com


Romanian is a Romance language, belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European language family, having much in common with languages such as French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.

However, the languages closest to Romanian are the other Eastern Romance languages, spoken south of the Danube: Aromanian/Macedo-Romanian, Megleno-Romanian and Istro-Romanian, which are frequently classified as dialects of Romanian. An alternative name for Romanian used by linguists to disambiguate with the other Eastern Romance languages is "Daco-Romanian", referring to the area where it is spoken (which corresponds roughly to the onetime Roman province of Dacia).

Compared with the other Romance languages, the closest relative of Romanian is Italian; the two languages show a limited degree of asymmetrical mutual intelligibility, especially in their cultivated forms: speakers of Romanian seem to understand Italian more easily than the other way around. Romanian has obvious grammatical and lexical similarities with French, Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese, with a high phonological similarity with Portuguese in particular; however, it is not mutually intelligible with them to any practical extent. Romanian speakers will usually need some formal study of basic grammar and vocabulary before being able to understand more than individual words and simple sentences in other Romance languages. The same is true for speakers of these languages trying to understand Romanian. Because of its separation from the other Romance languages, it has diverged from them and is an outlier in various ways, somewhat like English in regards to the other Germanic languages.

Romanian has had a greater share of foreign influence than some other Romance languages such as Italian in terms of vocabulary and other aspects. One such study was done by Italian-American linguist Mario Pei in 1949, which analyzed the differentiation degree of languages in comparison to their inheritance language (in the case of Romance languages to Latin comparing phonology, inflection, discourse, syntax, vocabulary, and intonation) revealed the following percentages (the higher the percentage, the greater the distance from Latin):

  • Sardinian: 8%;
  • Italian: 12%;
  • Spanish: 20%;
  • Romanian: 23.5%;
  • Occitan: 25%;
  • Portuguese: 31%;
  • French: 44%.

The lexical similarity of Romanian with Italian has been estimated at 77%, followed by French at 75%, Sardinian 74%, Catalan 73%, Portuguese and Rhaeto-Romance 72%, Spanish 71%.

The Romanian vocabulary became predominantly influenced by French and, to a lesser extent, Italian in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Dacian language

The Dacian language was an Indo-European language spoken by the ancient Dacians, mostly north of the Danube river but also in Moesia and other regions south of the Danube. It may have been the first language to influence the Latin spoken in Dacia, but little is known about it. Dacian is usually considered to have been a northern branch of the Thracian language, and, like Thracian, Dacian was a satem language. About 300 words found only in Romanian or with a cognate in the Albanian language may be inherited from Dacian (for example: barz? "stork", balaur "dragon", mal "shore", brânz? "cheese"). Some of these possibly Dacian words are related to pastoral life (for example, brânz? "cheese"). Some linguists and historians have asserted that Albanians are Dacians who were not Romanized and migrated southward.

A different view is that these non-Latin words with Albanian cognates are not necessarily Dacian, but rather were brought into the territory that is modern Romania by Romance-speaking shepherds migrating north from Albania, Serbia, and northern Greece who became the Romanian people.

Balkan language area

While most of Romanian grammar and morphology are based on Latin, there are some features that are shared only with other languages of the Balkans and not found in other Romance languages. The shared features of Romanian and the other languages of the Balkan language area (Bulgarian, Macedonian, Albanian, Greek, and Serbian) include a suffixed definite article, the syncretism of genitive and dative case and the formation of the future and the alternation of infinitive with subjunctive constructions. According to a well-established scholarly theory, most Balkanisms could be traced back to the development of the Balkan Romance languages; these features were adopted by other languages due to language shift.

Slavic languages

The Slavic influences on Romanian are especially noticeable and can be observed at all linguistic levels: lexis, phonetics, morphology and syntax. About 20% of modern Romanian words are presently of Slavic origin, but this number was significantly higher before Romanian was re-latinized. Slavic tribes lived in the territory of present-day Romania during the early evolution of the language and the Church Slavonic was used continuously as the liturgical language of the Romanian Orthodox Church. This process of the introduction of Slavic in Dacia was similar to the appearance of various Germanic dialects in the Western Roman Empire, where Gallic Latin, Iberian Latin, and Northern Italian dialects became strongly Germanized. However, due to the lower Romance-speaking populace in the East, Slavic remained spoken for much longer and did not die out immediately.

Other influences

Even before the 19th century, Romanian came in contact with several other languages. Some notable examples include:

  • Greek: folos < ófelos "use", buzunar < buzunára "pocket", proasp?t < prósfatos "fresh", cutie < cution "box", portocale < portokalia "oranges". While Latin borrowed words of Greek origin, Romanian obtained Greek loanwords on its own. Greek entered Romanian through the apoikiai (colonies) and emporia (trade stations) founded in and around Dobruja, through the presence of Byzantine Empire in north of the Danube, through Bulgarian during Bulgarian Empires that converted Romanians to Orthodox Christianity, and after the Greek Civil War, when thousands of Greeks fled Greece.
  • Hungarian: a cheltui < költeni "to spend", a f?g?dui < fogadni "to promise", a mântui < menteni "to save", ora? < város "city";
  • Turkish: papuc < pabuç "slipper", ciorb? < çorba "wholemeal soup, sour soup", bac?i? < bah?i? "tip" (ultimately from Persian baksheesh);
  • German: cartof < Kartoffel "potato", bere < Bier "beer", ?urub < Schraube "screw", turn < Turm "tower", ram? < Rahmen "frame", mu?tiuc < Mundstück "mouth piece", borma?in? < Bohrmaschine "drilling machine", crem?nit < Kremschnitte "cream slice", ?vai?er < Schweizer "Swiss cheese", ?lep < Schleppkahn "barge", ?pri? < Spritzer "wine with soda water", ab?ibild < Abziehbild "decal picture", ?ni?el < Schnitzel "cutlet", ?unc? < dialectal Schunke (Schinken) "ham", punct < Punkt "point", maistru < Meister "master", rund? < Runde "round". During the Austrian administration in Banat, Transylvania, and Bukovina, a large number of words were borrowed from Austrian German, in particular in fields such as the military, administration, social welfare, economy, etc. Later on German terms have been taken out of science and technics, like: ?in? < Schiene "rail", ?tift < Stift "peg", li?? < Litze "braid", ?indril? < Schindel "shingle", ?tan?? < Stanze "punch", ?aib? < Scheibe "washer", ?tang? < Stange "crossbar", ?igl? < Ziegel "tile", ?mirghel < Schmirgelpapier "emery paper";
  • The Romani language has provided a series of words to Romanian, especially slang terms: mi?to "good, beautiful, cool" < mi?to, gagic? "girlie, girlfriend" < gadji, a hali "to devour" < halo, mandea "yours truly" < mande, a mangli "to pilfer" < manglo.

In addition, many more words were borrowed from Classical Latin through the influence of written language and the liturgical language of the Roman Catholic Church, as Latin did hold an important position in Transylvania after the 11th century as it was part of Kingdom of Hungary, a Roman Catholic country, until it was occupied by Romanians after World War I. Throughout the Middle Ages and into the early modern period, most literate Romanian speakers, including Roman Catholics and Orthodox, were also literate in Latin; and thus they easily adopted Latin words, along with Hungarian, into their writing--and eventually speech--in Romanian. This caused Romanian to easily reduce some of its Slavic loanwords.

French, Italian and English words

Since the 19th century, many literary or learned words were borrowed from the other Romance languages, especially from French and Italian (for example: birou "desk, office", avion "airplane", exploata "exploit"). It was estimated that about 38% of words in Romanian are of French and/or Italian origin (in many cases both languages); and adding this to Romanian's native stock, about 75%-85% of Romanian words can be traced to Latin. The use of these Romanianized French and Italian learned loans has tended to increase at the expense of Slavic loanwords, many of which have become rare or fallen out of use. As second or third languages, French and Italian themselves are better known in Romania than in Romania's neighbors. Along with the switch to the Latin alphabet in Moldova, the re-latinization of the vocabulary has tended to reinforce the Latin character of the language.

In the process of lexical modernization, much of the native Latin stock have acquired doublets from other Romance languages, thus forming a further and more modern and literary lexical layer. Typically, the native word is a noun and the learned loan is an adjective. Some examples of doublets:

In the 20th century, an increasing number of English words have been borrowed (such as: gem < jam; interviu < interview; meci < match; manager < manager; fotbal < football; sandvi? < sandwich; bi?ni?? < business; chec < cake). These words are assigned grammatical gender in Romanian and handled according to Romanian rules; thus "the manager" is managerul. Some borrowings, for example in the computer field, appear to have awkward (perhaps contrived and ludicrous) 'Romanisation,' such as cookie-uri which is the plural of the Internet term cookie.

How do you say I LOVE YOU in Romanian language - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


A statistical analysis sorting Romanian words by etymological source carried out by Macrea (1961) based on the DLRM (49,649 words) showed the following makeup:

  • 43% recent Romance loans (mainly French: 38.42%, Latin: 2.39%, Italian: 1.72%)
  • 20% inherited Latin
  • 11.5% Slavic (Old Church Slavonic: 7.98%, Bulgarian: 1.78%, Bulgarian-Serbian: 1.51%)
  • 3.62% Turkish
  • 2.40% Modern Greek
  • 2.17% Hungarian
  • 1.77% German
  • 8.31% Unknown origin
  • 2.24% Onomatopoeic

If the analysis is restricted to a core vocabulary of 2,500 frequent, semantically rich and productive words, then the Latin inheritance comes first, followed by Romance and classical Latin neologisms, whereas the Slavic borrowings come third. The Romanian lexicon is similar by 77% with Italian, 75% with French, 74% with Sardinian, 73% with Catalan, 72% with Portuguese and Rheto-Romance, 71% with Spanish.

Daco-Thracian elements in Romanian exceed 70% of the traditional lexis and based on 25,000 words some 84-85% of Romanian lexis contains indigenous elements if derivatives are taken into account.

143290207-01-Colloquial-Romanian.pdf - DocDroid
src: www.docdroid.net


Overall Romanian grammar is more conservative in its preservation of Latin grammatical constructs than other Romance languages. (Scholars disagree on the reasons for this).

Romanian nouns are characterized by gender (feminine, masculine, and neuter), and declined by number (singular and plural) and case (nominative/accusative, dative/genitive and vocative). The articles, as well as most adjectives and pronouns, agree in gender, number and case with the noun they modify.

Romanian is the only Romance language where definite articles are enclitic: that is, attached to the end of the noun (as in Scandinavian, and Bulgarian), instead of in front (proclitic). They were formed, as in other Romance languages, from the Latin demonstrative pronouns.

As in all Romance languages, Romanian verbs are highly inflected for person, number, tense, mood, and voice. The usual word order in sentences is subject-verb-object (SVO). Romanian has four verbal conjugations which further split into ten conjugation patterns. Verbs can be put in five moods that are inflected for the person (indicative, conditional/optative, imperative, subjunctive, and presumptive) and four impersonal moods (infinitive, gerund, supine, and participle).

How do you say HAPPY BIRTHDAY in Romanian language - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Romanian has seven vowels: /i/, /?/, /u/, /e/, /?/, /o/ and /a/. Additionally, /ø/ and /y/ may appear in some borrowed words. Arguably, the diphthongs /e?a/ and /o?a/ are also part of the phoneme set. There are twenty-two consonants. The two approximants /j/ and /w/ can appear before or after any vowel, creating a large number of glide-vowel sequences which are, strictly speaking, not diphthongs.

In final positions after consonants, a short /i/ can be deleted, surfacing only as the palatalization of the preceding consonant (e.g., [m?]). Similarly, a deleted /u/ may prompt labialization of a preceding consonant, though this has ceased to carry any morphological meaning.

Phonetic changes

Owing to its isolation from the other Romance languages, the phonetic evolution of Romanian was quite different, but the language does share a few changes with Italian, such as [kl] -> [kj] (Lat. clarus -> Rom. chiar, Ital. chiaro, Lat. clamare -> Rom. chemare, Ital. chiamare) and [?l] -> [?j] (Lat. *glacia (glacies) -> Rom. ghea??, Ital. ghiaccia, ghiaccio, Lat. *ungla (ungula) -> Rom. unghie, Ital. unghia), although this did not go as far as it did in Italian with other similar clusters (Rom. place, Ital. piace); another similarity with Italian is the change from [ke] or [ki] to [t?e] or [t?i] (Lat. pax, pacem -> Rom. and Ital. pace, Lat. dulcem -> Rom. dulce, Ital. dolce, Lat. circus -> Rom. cerc, Ital. circo) and [?e] or [?i] to [d?e] or [d?i] (Lat. gelu -> Rom. ger, Ital. gelo, Lat. marginem -> Rom. and Ital. margine, Lat. gemere -> Rom. geme (gemere), Ital. gemere). There are also a few changes shared with Dalmatian, such as /?n/ (probably phonetically [?n]) -> [mn] (Lat. cognatus -> Rom. cumnat, Dalm. comnut) and /ks/ -> [ps] in some situations (Lat. coxa -> Rom. coaps?, Dalm. copsa).

Among the notable phonetic changes are:

  • diphthongization of e and o -> ea and oa, before ? (or e as well, in the case of o) in the next syllable:
  • Lat. cera -> Rom. cear? (wax)
  • Lat. sole -> Rom. soare (sun)
  • iotation [e] -> [ie] in the beginning of the word
  • Lat. herba -> Rom. iarb? (grass, herb)
  • velar [k ?] -> labial [p b m] before alveolar consonants and [w] (e.g. ngu -> mb):
  • Lat. octo -> Rom. opt (eight)
  • Lat. lingua -> Rom. limb? (tongue, language)
  • Lat. signum -> Rom. semn (sign)
  • Lat. coxa -> Rom. coaps? (thigh)
  • rhotacism [l] -> [r] between vowels
  • Lat. caelum -> Rom. cer (sky)
  • Alveolars [d t] palatalized to [(d)z] [ts] when before short [e] or long [i:]
  • Lat. deus -> Rom. zeu (god)
  • Lat. tenem -> Rom. ?ine (hold)

On the other hand, Romanian (along with French) has lost /kw/ (qu) sound before /a/ from original Latin, turning it either into /p/ (Lat. quattuor -> Rom.patru, "four"; cf. It. quattro) or /k/ (Lat. quando -> Rom.când, "when"; Lat. quale -> Rom.care, "which").

Rubber stamp with text apartment for rent in Romanian language ...
src: c8.alamy.com

Writing system

The first written record about a Romance language spoken in the Middle Ages in the Balkans is from 587. A Vlach muleteer accompanying the Byzantine army noticed that the load was falling from one of the animals and shouted to a companion Torna, torna frate (meaning "Return, return brother!"), and, "sculca" (out of bed) . Theophanes Confessor recorded it as part of a 6th-century military expedition by Commentiolus and Priscus against the Avars and Slovenes.

"Libri III de moribus et actis primorum Normanniae ducum" by Dudo of Saint-Quentin states that Richard I of Normandy was sent by his father William I Longsword to learn the Dacian language with Bothon because the inhabitants of Bayeux spoke more Dacian than Roman.

The oldest surviving written text in Romanian is a letter from late June 1521, in which Neac?u of Câmpulung wrote to the mayor of Bra?ov about an imminent attack of the Turks. It was written using the Cyrillic alphabet, like most early Romanian writings. The earliest surviving writing in Latin script was a late 16th-century Transylvanian text which was written with the Hungarian alphabet conventions.

In the late 18th century, Transylvanian scholars noted the Latin origin of Romanian and adapted the Latin alphabet to the Romanian language, using some orthographic rules from Italian, recognized as Romanian's closest relative. The Cyrillic alphabet remained in (gradually decreasing) use until 1860, when Romanian writing was first officially regulated.

In the Soviet Republic of Moldova, a special version of the Cyrillic alphabet derived from the Russian version was used until 1989, when Romanian language spoken there officially returned to the Romanian Latin alphabet, although in the breakaway territory of Transnistria the Cyrillic alphabet is used to this day.

Romanian alphabet

The Romanian alphabet is as follows:

K, Q, W and Y, not part of the native alphabet, were officially introduced in the Romanian alphabet in 1982 and are mostly used to write loanwords like kilogram, quasar, watt, and yoga.

The Romanian alphabet is based on the Latin script with five additional letters ?, Â, Î, ?, ?. Formerly, there were as many as 12 additional letters, but some of them were abolished in subsequent reforms. Also, until the early 20th century, a short vowel marker was used.

Today the Romanian alphabet is largely phonemic. However, the letters â and î both represent the same close central unrounded vowel /?/. Â is used only inside words; î is used at the beginning or the end of non-compound words and in the middle of compound words. Another exception from a completely phonetic writing system is the fact that vowels and their respective semivowels are not distinguished in writing. In dictionaries the distinction is marked by separating the entry word into syllables for words containing a hiatus.

Stressed vowels also are not marked in writing, except very rarely in cases where by misplacing the stress a word might change its meaning and if the meaning is not obvious from the context. For example, trei copíi means "three children" while trei cópii means "three copies".


  • h is not silent like in other Romance languages such as Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan and French, but represents the phoneme /h/, except in the digraphs ch /k/ and gh /g/ (see below)
  • j represents /?/, as in French, Catalan or Portuguese (the sound spelled with s in the English words "vision, pleasure, treasure").
  • There are two letters with a comma below, ? and ?, which represent the sounds /?/ and /t?s/. However, the allographs with a cedilla instead of a comma, ? and ?, became widespread when pre-Unicode and early Unicode character sets did not include the standard form.
  • A final orthographical i after a consonant often represents the palatalization of the consonant (e.g., lup /lup/ "wolf" vs. lupi /lup?/ "wolves") - it is not pronounced like Italian lupi (which also means "wolves"), and is an example of the Slavic influence on Romanian.
  • ? represents the schwa, /?/.
  • î and â both represent the sound /?/. In rapid speech (for example in the name of the country) the â sound may sound similar to a casual listener to the short schwa sound ? (in fact, Aromanian does merge the two, writing them ã) but careful speakers will distinguish the sound. The nearest equivalent is the vowel in the last syllable of the word roses for some English speakers. It is also roughly equivalent to European Portuguese /?/, the Polish y or the Russian ?.
  • The letter e generally represents the mid front unrounded vowel [e], somewhat like in the English word set. However, the letter e is pronounced as [je] ([j] sounds like 'y' in 'you') when it is the first letter of any form of the verb a fi "to be", or of a personal pronoun, for instance este /jeste/ "is" and el /jel/ "he". This addition of the semivowel /j/ does not occur in more recent loans and their derivatives, such as er? "era", electric "electric" etc. Some words (such as iepure "hare", formerly spelled epure) are now written with the initial i to indicate the semivowel.
  • x represents either the phoneme sequence /ks/ as in expresie = expression, or /?z/ as in exemplu = example, as in English.
  • As in Italian, the letters c and g represent the affricates /t?/ and /d?/ before i and e, and /k/ and /?/ elsewhere. When /k/ and /?/ are followed by vowels /e/ and /i/ (or their corresponding semivowels or the final /?/) the digraphs ch and gh are used instead of c and g, as shown in the table below. Unlike Italian, however, Romanian uses ce- and ge- to write /t??/ and /d??/ before a back vowel instead of ci- and gi-.

Punctuation and capitalization

Uses of punctuation peculiar to Romanian are:

  • The quotation marks use the Polish format in the format "quote "inside" quote", that is, ". . ." for a normal quotation, and double angle symbols for a quotation inside a quotation.
  • Proper quotations which span multiple paragraphs do not start each paragraph with the quotation marks; one single pair of quotation marks is always used, regardless of how many paragraphs are quoted.
  • Dialogues are identified with quotation dashes.
  • The Oxford comma before "and" is considered incorrect ("red, yellow and blue" is the proper format).
  • Punctuation signs which follow a text in parentheses always follow the final bracket.
  • In titles, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest of the title using sentence capitalization (with all its rules: proper names are capitalized as usual, etc.).
  • Names of months and days are not capitalized (ianuarie "January", joi "Thursday").
  • Adjectives derived from proper names are not capitalized (Germania "Germany", but german "German").

Spelling issues between Romania and Moldova

Prior to 2010, there existed a minor spelling difference between standard forms of Romanian language used in Romania and the variant (also called Moldovan) used in the Republic of Moldova--the Academy of Sciences of Moldova did not switch to the new spelling rules introduced by the Romanian Academy in 1993. In 2000, the Moldovan Academy recommended adopting the spelling rules used in Romania, and in 2010 the Academy launched a schedule for the transition to the new rules that was completed in 2011 (regarding publications) and is currently under implementation in the educational system (due to be completed within two school years). However, as of 2015 most Moldovan commercial websites maintain the 'old' spelling.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

Romanian - highlighted words were directly derived from Latin:

Toate fiin?ele umane se nasc libere ?i egale în demnitate ?i în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu ra?iune ?i con?tiin?? ?i trebuie s? se comporte unele fa?? de altele în spiritul fraternit??ii.

Contemporary Romanian - highlighted words are French or Italian loanwords:

Toate fiin?ele umane se nasc libere ?i egale în demnitate ?i în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu ra?iune ?i con?tiin?? ?i trebuie s? se comporte unele fa?? de altele în spiritul fraternit??ii.

Romanian, excluding French and Italian loanwords - highlighted words are Slavic loanwords:

Toate fiin?ele omene?ti se nasc slobode ?i deopotriv? în destoinicie ?i în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu în?elegere ?i cuget ?i trebuie s? se poarte unele fa?? de altele în duh de fr??ietate.

Romanian, excluding loanwords and having almost the same meaning:

Toate fiin?ele omene?ti se nasc nesupuse ?i asemenea în pre?uire ?i în drepturi. Ele sunt înzestrate cu în?elegere ?i cuget ?i se cuvine s? se poarte unele fa?? de altele dup? firea fr??iei.

How Romanian language sounds in comparison to other languages ...
src: i.ytimg.com

See also

  • Proto-Romanian
  • Romance-speaking Europe
  • Romanian lexis
  • Romanianization
  • Moldovan language
  • The BABEL Speech Corpus
  • Moldova-Romania relations

Romanian Language Indicating Text Translator And Speech Stock ...
src: previews.123rf.com


Romanian Language Shows Translate Word And Text â€
src: st2.depositphotos.com


4 free resources for Romanian language: Romanian for movie and ...
src: res.cloudinary.com


  • Giurescu, Constantin, The Making of the Romanian People and Language, Bucharest, 1972.
  • Kahl, Thede (ed.), Das Rumänische und seine Nachbarn, Berlin, 2009.
  • Paliga, Sorin, The Earliest Slavic Borrowings in Romanian, Romanoslavica vol. XLVI, nr. 4, Editura Universit??ii din Bucure?ti, Bucharest, 2010.
  • Rosetti, Alexandru, Istoria limbii române, 2 vols., Bucharest, 1965-1969.
  • Uwe, Hinrichs (ed.), Handbuch der Südosteuropa-Linguistik, Wiesbaden, 1999.

How do you say MERRY CHRISTMAS in Romanian language - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com

External links

  • Romanian language at Curlie (based on DMOZ)
  • SAMPA for Romanian
  • Free Romanian lessons with a lot of audio for practice
  • Romanian Reference Grammar, by Dana Cojocaru, University of Bucharest (183 pages) - 4.6 MB - pdf
  • USA Foreign Service Institute (FSI) Romanian basic course
  • Romanian basic lexicon at the Global Lexicostatistical Database

Source of the article : Wikipedia
